Moaiku Trauma Therapy - series of 3 workshops - Content and Application

A somatic resource oriented path to coping and healing

Moaiku Trauma Therapy provides participants with the opportunity to deepen skills in coping with and resolving trauma and other kinds of high stress states using the body as a resource. This approach, based on current theories of human survival strategies, includes methods focused on strengthening presence, building concrete skills and establishing new paths of coping. The primary method used is called Resource Oriented Skill Training (ROST) or Motoric Haiku. This method builds functional coping capacity, and opens the self healing potential through refined body based skill training and emotional processing.

Integrated into this approach is a systemic understanding which is foreground in the group process involved in learning about trauma.

Special attention is given to building bridges between deep inner processing and integration in a professional role.

Who will benefit?

Professionals in prevention, treatment and/or rehabilitation of clients impacted by high stress, crisis and trauma, such as physicians, psychologists, counselling therapists, social workers, nurses, physiotherapists, massage therapists, members of the clergy and workers in human services.

  • Pre-requisites for participation:

    • Completion of at least two workshops taught by Merete Holm Brantbjerg.
    • Having a professional role where you are meeting people in high stress and trauma patterns and are interested in finding new skills to cope with and facilitate this part of your work.      
    • Readiness to step into a change process related to your own trauma and high stress-patterns.
  • Why choose a body-oriented method when working with trauma?

    Behaviours and defense patterns founded in implicit sensory based memory (body sensations, feelings, experiences and interpretations/predictions with no conscious relation to a specific biographical event) cannot be reached through the spoken language. Traumatic memory is characterized by dissociation and consequently the locked patterns often lie tied into a sensory, non-linear memory. A body-oriented method offers an opportunity to reach into these layers of consciousness and begin a process of integration and healing.


    The theory and methodology presented in the Moaiku Trauma Therapy approach has grown from Bodynamic Analysis – a body-oriented psychotherapy developed in Denmark since the mid 1970s. Key to the Bodynamic tradition is the knowledge of both psychomotor development and psychological muscle function and their impact on  the development of a person’s resources and defense patterns. Knowledge about both hypo- and hyper-responsive (given up and controlled) defense patterns represented in muscles opens an opportunity to precisely adapt methods and interventions to the actual meeting with the individual.

    Moaiku takes it further

    Since 2003 Merete Holm Brantbjerg has worked with colleagues in furthering her approach to trauma therapy by introducing new theories on dissociation and by framing resource oriented skill training as a relational method. In addition Merete has introduced the principle of dosing as being core to this method – emphazising how all aspects of trauma work must be carefully adapted to the encounter with the individual. Inner authority and resonance are powerful key elements effectivley utilized in this approach. Integrating the systemic approach allows us to address trauma patterns in a collective frame.

    The therapist comes first

    Foremost in Moaiku Trauma Therapy is support of the therapist’s/helper’s own presence, safety and ability to skillfully maintain authority. Crucial to trauma work is the ability of the therapist to stay present in the here and now, and use their skills to maintain this prescence when riding the waves of high activation. The therapist needs to be able to cope with his or her own states of hypo- and hyper-arousal in order to meet others in stress and trauma states, and support the opening of “windows of opportunity” for healing.

    Trauma is contagious. High stress has a tendency to evoke similar states in others. The ability of the therapist to retain a centered, grounded and attuned state when faced by intense trauma, provides a ‘container’ and a ‘landing platform’ for everybody present.

    Resource Oriented Skill Training – ROST

    Resource oriented skill training is a psychotherapeutic method capable of reaching into behaviour and defense patterns connected to unresolved trauma through precisely dosed psychomotor exercises. Practicing these exercises trains specific psychosocial skills, and through this kind of skill training, access to self healing powers often emerges.

    Vital skills being trained are:

    • centering, grounding, flexibility, boundaries, regulating contact
    • optimizing safety
    • the ability to either direct or follow others from within ourselves
    • somatic self regulation      
    • the ability to orient in factual reality, to differentiate facts from emotions and interpretations
    • the ability to surrender to reflex movements – and to shift between reflex directed movements and will directed

    All of these psychosocial skills, and more, are vital for our ability to cope with the level of arousal released in all stages of responding to trauma – heading into high arousal, whilst in it, and when landing again afterwards. A crucial part of healing trauma is to expand the platform of the personality in order to provide a strong enough base to land on. Expanding the platform of the personality allows the parts of us that are locked into survival patterns to start to change – stuck arousal patterns are released and the previously locked material is integrated into the personality.

    In the training of the practical skills, important principles are to:

    Development of these skills is a central psychotherapeutic method when working with trauma patterns.

    To relate to, value, and integrate our experience of a traumatic event and our trauma reactions often poses a challenge to our personality. Healing trauma demands that our capacity, our value system, our perception of reality, and often times also our self image, expand. ROST supports this expansion of the personality’s capacity – bodily, emotionally and cognitively.

    The goals of Moaiku Trauma Therapy are to:

    From the experience of observing and receiving the feedback of clients and participants in previous training groups, people working with this kind of therapy show a maturing of the personality. They have described an increased capacity - cognitively, emotionally, bodily and ethically – which shows itself as an enhanced ability to manage complex life circumstances.

    An outline of the content of the workshops

    Workshop 1 – Coping with Trauma Patterns

    Workshop 2 – Integrating Dissociated Elements

    Workshop 3 – Expanding and Integration

    All elements mentioned under Workshop 1 will be part of the learning process in Workshop 2 and 3 also.

    The teaching will include the following

    Presentation, discussion, demonstration, exercises and practical training. All elements of this method of trauma therapy will be demonstrated, experienced in your own body and trained during the workshops.

    Participants practice working as therapists supervised by the trainers. Participants will also act as clients working through a minor traumatic event from their own adult lives. Experience shows that focusing on a less serious explicit biographical event presents an opportunity for working with deep, and not yet integrated, implicit pieces in trauma patterns.

    Study groups and supervision days between workshops

    Participants are encouraged to work in study groups between workshops. Group work will include discussion of literature and film/video illustrating traumatic events and reactions. Practice of resourcing skills and interview techniques is also recommended.

    Supervision days will be offered between the workshops. Information about place, time, cost will be provided later.

    Trainers and team of assistants

    Merete Holm Brantbjerg, creator and principal trainer of Moaiku Trauma Therapy is an international teacher, co-creator of Bodynamic Analysis and a member of European Association of Body Psychotherapy (EABP).

    Merete will be assisted by a team of Canadian psycotherapists trained in Bodynamic Analysis and the Moaiku approach.

    Trauma therapy literature from Moaiku and the Bodynamic tradition

    Merete Holm Brantbjerg: Resource oriented skill training as a psychotherapeutic method. Article 2007.

    Merete Holm Brantbjerg: The relational aspect of resource oriented skill training. Article 2008.                      

    Merete Holm Brantbjerg: Hypo-response – the hidden challenge in coping with stress. Article 2008. (Workshop handout)

    Merete Holm Brantbjerg & Sally Stepath: The body as container of instincts, emotions and feelings. Article 2007. (Workshop handout)

    Ian Macnaughton: Body, breath and consciousness. North Atlantic, 2004. Compendium of articles about Bodynamic Analysis; Bodynamic Shock Trauma Therapy; Peter Levine’s approach to Shock Trauma Therapy, and also Multigenerational Family Therapy.

    Application Process and Fees

    With your application for Moaiku Trauma Therapy you are agreeing to participate in all three workshops and to attend the residential component of Workshop 2. Full participation in all of the theoretical and practical components completes the syllabus of Moaiku Trauma Therapy as presented in the workshops. A certificate of attendance will be awarded at completion.

    Your application will be considered upon receipt of;

    1.     the completed application form which you will find at the end of this document. Please return the completed application form by e-mail to and cc, and

    2.     the application fee of $200 - personal cheque only. We regret  it is not possible to accept credit or debit cards, and

    3.     the signed last page of the application form to accompany your cheque and mailed to the address on the application form.

    You will receive a response within 3 weeks of receipt by Merete Holm Brantbjerg and Barbara Picton. A response will be given whether your application is accepted or not accepted.

    Your cheque will not be cashed until your application has been accepted. If not accepted your cheque will be returned minus a $40 administration fee.

    The total cost of Moaiku Trauma Therapy is,

    Application fee:

    $  200.00

    To be paid with the application

    Workshop 1:*

    October, 2012

    $ 1050.00

    37.5 hours – 5 days. To be paid 4 weeks prior to the workshop

    Workshop 2:**

    Spring, 2013  

    $ 1250.00

    45 hours – 6 days. To be paid 4 weeks prior to the workshop

    Residential fee:


    $  600.00

    6 days. In 2010 the cost was approximately $100 per person per day. To be paid 4 weeks prior to the workshop

    Workshop 3:*

    October 2013

    $ 1050.00    

    37.5 hours – 5 days. To be paid 4 weeks prior to the workshop

    Total Cost:

    $ 4,150.00  

    NB: Specific dates for the workshops have yet to be confirmed.

    *Workshop 1 & 3 will be held at the Vancouver  School of Theology, UBC Campus, Vancouver, BC.

    **Workshop 2 will be held in residence and we plan for it to be at Springbrooke Retreat Centre, 22778, 72nd Avenue, Langley, BC.

    Registration will commence april 1, 2012 Please do not make application before that time.

    Moaiku Refund Policy

    In the event that you choose to withdraw from the program for any reason, you must do so in writing to Barbara Picton. By e-mail to or mail to 671F, Market Hill, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4B5. The date of your withdrawal will be considered to be the date of  e-mail and the post mark on the letter.

    Refunds will be issued for Moaiku Trauma Therapy according to the following:

    If Moaiku Canada cancels a workshop, participants will be entitled to a full refund of the payment for that particular workshhop only or receive credit toward a future workshop.

    Moaiku Privacy Policy

    Moaiku Canada will protect your private information as per the requirements of the Personal Information Protection Act.

    Testimonials from students in Moaiku Therapy 2010-11

    Due to the Moaiku Trauma Therapy workshops I have a rich new understanding of trauma and many new resources that help me be aware of and manage my own arousal, in both my personal and work life.  I have an increased sense of comfort and ability to stay present with and help regulate the arousal of clients.

    I feel more confident in my professional role as a Naturopath – and more able to hold the client accountable for their role in their health, instead of feeling solely responsible for 'fixing' them.

    Janice Millington. N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor)

    As a student & therapist of Body Oriented Psychotherapy for many years, I recommend the Moaiku Trauma Therapy workshops with Merete Holm Brantbjerg.

    The methods and the presence of the trainer has brought me into a greater presence, sense of personal authority and given me solid skills to use in my work with clients.

    The group & skill building techniques, that are part of the training, are some of the most dynamic I have experienced.

    Saskia Soeterik. O.T. Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.

    The Moaiku intensive trauma workshops were the best learning experience of my career! I have a workplace trauma and general counselling practice. I find I am using the training in every counselling session. It provides a lens to understand client trauma patterns and signs of arousal in the here and now. It has given me concrete resource based somatic tools that I am able to teach clients. Clients tell me these resources make a difference out in their lives. I also have come to better understand my own trauma patterns, and am using the resourcing skills in my own life. Consequently I am now a different counsellor and trainer sitting across from my clients or groups; more present, more deeply attuned.

    The Moaiku trauma model offers a fresh perspective on trauma. It is conceptually rich and grounded in the body. It is a deeply respectful way for working with trauma. Merete Holm Brantbjerg creates a safe container for experiential learning and she embodies the model in a way that is grounded and integrated. I recommend this training to anyone curious about trauma and the body and who is looking to increase their repertoire of useful skills, for themselves and clients.

    Claudia Collins. MA. Registered Clinical Counsellor.

    Participating in the Moaiku Trauma Therapy workshops has helped me to move to another level of professional expertise in my private practice.   Based on her many years of experience and her insatiable professional curiosity about health and healing, Merete has synthesized an elegant and researched paradigm that draws on the best of insights and skills of body-centered therapy, systems theory and cognitive therapy.

    My clients report that this emphasis on precise skill training has helped them move through their own strengths, skills and resources towards healthy choices and healthy relationships with increased confidence in their own abilities.

    My inner sense of personal and professional competence has flourished. It continues to mature as I practice the skills I have learned in the workshops.

    I am presenting workshops to teachers and student teachers who tell me that Resource Oriented Skill Training (ROST) is a new and profound tool that they are using in their classrooms to promote learning.

    Janet Hill. Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Medicine (Combined training in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy). MA in Clinical Counseling.

    Please scroll down for the application form ........

    Moaiku Trauma Therapy 2012-2013

    Application Form

    Registration will commence April 1, 2012. Please do not make application before that time.

    Please complete this application form and e-mail it and cc to

    ALSO include a hard copy of the final page with your signature and mail with your cheque for $200 (made payable to Moaiku Canada) to,

    Moaiku Canada c/o Barbara Picton, 671F, Market Hill, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4B5.

    Moaiku Trauma Therapy 2012-2013 Application Form















    Provide a description of your current professional practice – including how your practice relates to individuals impacted by high stress or trauma patterns:





    Provide a description of your level of experience in working with people impacted by high stress or trauma patterns:







    Include a short statement indicating your primary interest and motivation for participating in the workshops:







    Provide a description of how much psychotherapeutic work you have personally completed in relation to your own high stress and trauma patterns:








    What workshops with Merete Holm Brantbjerg have you participated in? (Title and date)





    What other workshops have you particiapted in that are relevant to this approach? (Title, date and facilitator)


    I agree to participate in all three workshops of Moaiku Trauma Therapy and agree to attend the residential component of Workshop 2.

    I understand that participation in all of the theoretical and practical components completes the syllabus of Moaiku Trauma Therapy.

    I also understand my application will be considered by Merete Holm Brantbjerg upon receipt of this completed application form.



    Printed name:




    Office use only - date application form and fee received: